INGAGE Webinar on the Future of Learning with the Metaverse and the Blockchain

What will the Future of Learning in companies look like? How to use the Metaverse and the Blockchain to make your corporate training highly engaging? 

This webinar is primarily designed for training, L&D managers as well as product managers. We will draw on our experience from the insurance industry, but it can also be relevant for other industries.

Please note that in order to ensure the quality of our discussion, we will keep the number of attendees to a maximum of 30 people. Apply for an invitation. 

We are looking forward to a very interesting webinar with you! 🙂

Time of the event:
Zürich (Switzerland – Zurich) Tuesday, 7 June 2022, 17:00 CEST UTC+2 hours
For your own time zone:

  • London (United Kingdom – England) Tuesday, 7 June 2022, 16:00 BST UTC+1 hour
  • New York City (USA – New York) Tuesday, 7 June 2022, 11:00 EDT UTC-4 hours
  • Hong Kong (Hong Kong) Tuesday, 7 June 2022, 23:00 HKT UTC+8 hours
  • Lagos (Nigeria – Lagos) Tuesday, 7 June 2022, 16:00 WAT UTC+1 hour
  • Mexico City (Mexico – Ciudad de México) Tuesday, 7 June 2022, 10:00 CDT UTC-5 hours
  • Las Palmas (Spain – Las Palmas) Tuesday, 7 June 2022, 16:00 WEST UTC+1 hour Corresponding UTC (GMT) Tuesday, 7 June 2022, 15:00    


Note: you are also welcome to register to our INGAGE Newsletter if you want to be updated on the latest events about engaging training for the insurance industry!


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“Interoperability”: a key to incentivize learners?

Interoperability will probably be a key item in the Metaverse where learners from insurance companies – for example – will experience different insurance-related scenarios to learn from.


Why so? Let’s first check the definition

Interoperability is a characteristic of a product or system to work with other products or systems. While the term was initially defined for information technology or systems engineering services to allow for information exchange, a broader definition takes into account social, political, and organizational factors that impact system-to-system performance.

Interoperability implies exchanges between a range of products, or similar products from several different vendors, or even between past and future revisions of the same product.

Source: adapted from Wikipedia


This definition might seem theoretical and even irrelevant, but it’s not. 

Imagine your learners in the virtual world you propose to them to learn about your products. They might want to enhance their avatars with their favorite digital clothes and other items. 

However, as soon as they leave that world, all of these items are lost. They cannot take them with them. They actually don’t really own them!

This is where interoperability comes into the picture. It means that this virtual world can exchange/communicate with another one and that the learner can bring his/her digital clothes and other times in it. 


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How can you memorize what you learned much faster thanks to a “Memory Palace”?

One of my favorite hobbies since I was a kid has been to learn languages. I love it! In average, I have studied a new language each year for the past 20+ years. Each time, the goal is to reach a very minimum CEFR level of A2 or even B1 – i.e. the basic level needed to have the beginning of a conversation – so that I can enjoy interacting with people and discover their cultures when I travel around the world. 

All of us can learn languages and even many languages. However, it requires a lot of self-discipline, dedication and even hard work to memorize the hundreds or thousands of words of vocabulary.

Well, this doesn’t sound like good news… however there are some powerful techniques that can make the whole process much faster and much more fun! What if you could replace the effort of memorizing by a bit of creativity, imagination

The good news is that there is a memorizing technique that does precisely this and that can boost results in an impressive way: The “Memory Palace”. 

You might have already heard about it or even practiced it. 


So, what is a “Memory Palace”? 

According to Benny from Fluent in 3 Months:

“A Memory Palace is an imaginary construct in your mind that’s based on a real location. If you can see your bedroom in your mind, then you can build a Memory Palace.

Within your Memory Palace, “stations” are locations like a bedroom or sitting room and the space between them is called a “journey”. As you build your Memory Palace, you will leave words and phrases at these stations and then pick them up later on when you take a journey through your palace.

Please don’t rob yourself of this powerful language learning device by saying you’re not a visual person. In whatever way feels natural, just think about where your bedroom is in relation to your kitchen. Consider how you would move from the bedroom to the kitchen. Take note of the doors, hallways and rooms along the way.”

I don’t think that you absolutely have to base your Memory Palace on a real location, but if it helps you, why not. As for me, the most important is that you can easily visualize and “evolve” in it. 

Is this a new method? 

Actually, it dates back to the ancient Romans and Greeks. 

The method of loci (loci being Latin for “places”) is a strategy of memory enhancement which uses visualizations of familiar spatial environments in order to enhance the recall of information. The method of loci is also known as the memory journey, memory palace, or mind palace technique. This method is a mnemonic device adopted in ancient Roman and Greek rhetorical treatises. Many memory contest champions report using this technique to recall faces, digits, and lists of words.

Source: adapted from The method of loci


Why does it become even more relevant now?

Each learner needs to build their own “Palace”. For some, it might be easier than for others. Indeed, I have seen that some people need much more time to “build” it. 

However, now, you can help your learners by building such Palace for them, in the Metaverse. You choose a virtual world and create the Palace. Then, they can move around that Palace and get inspired and maybe even build their own! 

Once this is done, learners can project themselves again in the environnement and the associations between the words, vocabulary and the locations in the palace will drastically increase the retention rate.


Do you use the Memory Palace or do you have any other ways of remembering a lot of vocabulary?

Please comment below!

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Are you a B1 learner too?

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment, abbreviated in English as CEFR or CEF or CEFRL, is a guideline used to describe achievements of learners of foreign languages across Europe and, increasingly, in other countries.

The CEFR is also intended to make it easier for educational institutions and employers to evaluate the language qualifications of candidates to education admission or employment. Its main aim is to provide a method of learning, teaching and assessing that applies to all languages in Europe.


Note: As an avid language learner, I like the A2 or rather B1 levels as they offer a great compromise between the time invested to learn a language and the level of fluency. In short, you can reach the B1 level relatively fast while being able to converse very comfortably in that language. It’s a great example on how to use the Pareto principle for langage learning! 🙂


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Europäische Verbände und Netzwerke der Erwachsenenbildung

If you work with adult education, you might have heard of the « European associations and networks of adult education ». Below, you will find more information from the Austrian ministry of education. 
Mit Beiträgen von Birgit Aschemann, Rainer Schabereiter und Sylvia Amann. Redaktion: CONEDU | CC BY 4.0 Aschemann 2016/2018, Schabereiter 2022

Europäischer Verband für Erwachsenenbildung EAEA

Der Europäische Verband für Erwachsenenbildung, in Englisch “European Association for the Education of Adults” (EAEA), versteht sich als Stimme der nicht-formalen Erwachsenenbildung in Europa und hat das Ziel, europäische Organisationen in der Erwachsenenbildung zu vertreten und miteinander zu vernetzen. EAEA tritt öffentlich und politisch für die Erwachsenenbildung ein, stellt Informationen zur Verfügung und betreibt ein spezifisches Netzwerk. Ein Hauptanliegen ist der Zugang zu Bildung für alle und die Teilnahme an nicht-formaler Erwachsenenbildung, insbesondere auch für bildungsbenachteiligte Gruppen. Der EAEA hat 123 Mitgliedsorganisationen in 42 Ländern. Er arbeitet mit EU-Institutionen, nationalen und regionalen Regierungen sowie vielen internationalen und nationalen NGOs zusammen.

Plattform für lebenslanges Lernen

Die Plattform für lebenslanges Lernen vereint 42 europäische Organisationen aus Europa und darüber hinaus, die im Bereich allgemeine und berufliche Bildung und Jugend tätig sind. Die Plattform fördert eine europaweite Zusammenarbeit zwischen zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen, um die Themen der Bürgerinnen und Bürger im Bereich des lebenslangen Lernens zum Ausdruck zu bringen und Lösungen vorzuschlagen. So erstellt sie u.a. Positionspapiere und Initiativen rund um das lebenslange Lernen.

Europäische Zentrum für die Förderung der Berufsbildung Cedefop

Cedefop ist eine dezentrale Einrichtung der Europäischen Union, die 1975 gegründet wurde und seit 1995 ihren Sitz in Griechenland hat. Cedefop unterstützt die Kommission sowie die Mitgliedsstaaten bei der Weiterentwicklung ihrer beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildungssysteme. Zahlreiche Analysen zu den Berufsbildungssystemen und der Politik, Forschung und Praxis in diesem Bereich werden produziert und verbreitet. Dahinter steht das übergeordnete Ziel, Menschen in Europa für den Arbeitsmarkt zu qualifizieren und so den Grundstein für Qualität, Wettbewerb und Wachstum zu legen.

EU-Bildungsinformationsnetz Eurydice

1980 haben die Europäischen Kommission und die Mitgliedsstaaten Eurydice gegründet, um Informationen über die Bildungssysteme auszutauschen. Eurydice bereitet Informationen über die nationalen Bildungssysteme in Europa auf und stellt sie allen Interessierten, insbesondere bildungspolitischen EntscheidungsträgerInnen, zur Verfügung. Zu den wesentlichen laufenden Veröffentlichungen von Eurydice gehören vergleichende thematische Berichte zu spezifischen Bildungsthemen, Berichte mit einem Schwerpunkt auf Indikatoren und Statistiken sowie detaillierte Beschreibungen von nationalen Bildungssystemen. Das Netzwerk hat seine Zentrale in der Exekutivagentur Bildung, Audiovisuelles und Kultur in Brüssel; seine Arbeit ist über Erasmus+ finanziert.

ExpertInnennetzwerk zu sozialen Aspekten der Bildung NESET

NESET ist ein von der Kommission initiiertes Netzwerk von ExpertInnen für soziale Aspekte des Bildungssystems. Zu den Arbeitsthemen des Netzwerks gehören Gerechtigkeit, die Verteilung von Investitionen, Wege zum zweiten Bildungsweg, Ethnizität, Migration und Bildung, Bildung und Gender und andere Themen. Zu diesen Schwerpunktthemen stellt NESET Forschungsübersichten zur Verfügung und analysiert bildungspolitische Strategien und Reformen auf deren Auswirkungen. Eine Hauptaufgabe besteht in der faktengestützten Beratung der Europäischen Kommission.

Europäisches ExpertInnen-Netzwerk für Bildungsökonomik EENE

European Expert Network on Economics of Education (EENEE) ist ein Forum bildungsökonomischer Forschung in Europa, gefördert von der Europäischen Kommission. Das Netzwerk berät die Kommission bei der Analyse ökonomischer Aspekte von Bildungspolicies, informiert über Bildungsökonomik in Europa und treibt die einschlägige Forschung voran. EENEE erstellt kurze analytische Berichte, beantworten Fragen der Kommission, erstellt und pflegt eine ForscherInnen-Datenbank auf dem Gebiet der Bildungsökonomik in Europa und organisiert europäische Symposien. Die Entwicklung des Humankapitals in Europa steht als Ziel dahinter.

Europäisches Netzwerk für Basisbildung EBSN

Speziell für die Themen und Anliegen der Basisbildung ist das European Basic Skills Network (EBSN) tätig. Es handelt sich um ein Stakeholder- und ExpertInnen-Netzwerk mit dem Ziel, die Bildungspraxis für die Basisbildung europaweit zu verbessern. Politikberatung ist eine wesentliche Aktivität von EBSN. Dahinter steht die Vision, dass alle EuropäerInnen über das für eine gelingende Teilhabe notwendige Basisbildungsniveau verfügen sollen.

Europäische Stiftung für Berufsbildung ETF

Die European Training Foundation (ETF) ist eine EU-Agentur, die ?Länder rund um die Europäische Union bei der Modernisierung der Berufsbildungssysteme und der Arbeitsmarktsysteme unterstützen soll – durch Konzeption, Umsetzung und Bewertung von Strategien und Programmen. Ziele sind dabei die Förderunge sozialer Mobilität und Inklusion sowie eine bessere Abstimmung zwischen Berufsbildungssystemen und Erfordernissen am Arbeitsmarkt. 

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How to engage learners thanks to « seamless learning »?

So, first, let’s check out a few definitions of what seamless learning can be. Here is what I found when I searched online: 

1. A type of mobile learning that emphasizes the removal of seams (i.e., gaps) within and between contexts, locations, devices, systems, learning tasks, learning settings, etc. Learn more in: Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, Universal Design for Learning, Ubiquitous Learning, and Seamless Learning: How These Paradigms Inform the Intentional Design of Learner-Centered Online Learning Environments

2. The seamless integration of the learning experiences across various dimensions including formal and informal learning contexts, individual and social learning, and physical world and cyberspace. Learn more in: Mobile Technology-Enhanced Learning

3. A new approach of implementation of learning which provides seamless transition between different learning tasks. Learn more in: A Specified Ubiquitous Learning Design for Seamless Learning
4. Continuity of learning across multiple contexts through networked personal computing devices. Learn more in: Exploring Future Seamless Learning Research Strands for Massive Open Online Courses
5. It is integration of the learning experiences across various dimensions including formal and informal learning contexts, individual and social learning, and physical world and cyberspace. Learn more in: Seamless Learning Design Criteria in the Context of Open and Distance Learning
For the sake of simplicity, let’s consider that the definition of seamless learning could be «The smooth integration of the learning experiences across various learning systems and activities.» 
Imagine your students in your classroom on Monday.  You teach them, live, about the principle of insurance for example. 
Then, they go home and might want to review what you taught them and – for some of them – go even deeper in the topic. They use your company’s Learning Management System to access your online courses, extra articles, blog posts, watch relevant videos, listen to chosen podcasts and answer to MCQ as well as other quizzes to check their understanding. It can turn into a long evening. 🙂
However, they are very motivated to get a good start. The next day, they enter you virtual world where they can « experience » your products and the way you support your clients.
We could list a whole range of other activities. What is key here, is the seamless concept, i.e. the frictionless way of interacting with these different learning activities. 
Learners can choose the activities that suit them best and thus remain much more engaged. 
Last but not least, on top of this, you can offer a strong incentive program that operates across all these learning activities, where learners can earn NFTs and blockchain-based coins. 
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The Polyglot Kit for Insurance Professionals

“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.”    Nelson Mandela. 

Are you an insurance professional who travels a lot? Would you like to make an even better impression to your clients and colleagues around the world by saying basic things in their language?

With this course, you will be able to greet people and speak at a very basic level about insurance and topics that interest you, in the relevant languages. You will connect instantly with your clients and colleagues!

If you have a login, go to

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Understanding the process

Going on the field

In order to make the training really engaging for our future learners, we like going on the field where they are located. Wherever they might be in the world.

It’s actually a lot of fun! We meet people from all walks of life. We love it. 🙂



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Training for sales people

Watch industry

Sales representatives in the watch industry who travel a lot might have to bring several models with them.

This is not needed any more.


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