First of all, what is web3?

One day, a brilliant man, woman or group of persons named Satoshi Nakamoto – will we ever know? – created a brand new concept, the blockchain, with its first cryptocurrency, the now-famous Bitcoin, in a bid to react to the financial crisis that had made millions suffer. 

He had created a totally decentralized system where you could potentially store tremendous wealth, without even having to trust the people part of the system. Huh? How is that even possible? Well, we will go into one of the next articles, but not today.


So what’s the link between Web 3 and training?

Now, back to the reasons why you should care about web3 if you are in charge of corporate training.

You might have worked with e-learning before 2020. If not, since covid has obliged most organizations to move to online training for the past 2 years, you have probably felt the pain due to the need for a very fast digitization of your training curriculum. 

Besides the usual challenges of digitizing training, you might have also experienced some difficulties in getting your colleagues to complete the online modules you created for them with so much work. 

Indeed, completion rates in the industry are quite low on average and when they are not, management has quite probably used the stick at least as much as the carrot. So, motivation is the key, whether it is intrinsic or extrinsic.  

In training, the best is always to have participants be motivated by the topic itself that they learn, the intrinsic motivation. However, what if they are not that intrinsically motivated? 

In this case, obviously, you can go the route of extrinsic motivation. So, imagine an incentive program. You give points to people who have completed their courses. You even add a multiplier for people who have completed their courses with the right time frame for example. 

You can certainly create a great incentive program adapted to your company’s culture. You know your colleagues. You know what makes them tick.

However, these points are just arbitrary values put in your IT system. They have no real value per se and unless you have a broad range of partnerships that subscribe to your program, these points are worthless outside your organization or once your colleagues move to another company. So, in the very vast majority of cases, people will not see these points as really having a value in the future.

Now, imagine that instead of valueless points you actually can give some digital tokens – in the form of coins or NFTs – that actually have a real value, even outside your organization. Would people be more inclined to try to collect them?

Obviously, there are more ways to use Web 3 for education (e.g. remuneration for authors and other contributors). Do you see any other use? 🙂

Please comment below and like this post if you would like more posts on the topic!


#nextgen #training #corporatetraining #headoftraining #trainingmanager #innovation #blockchain #web3 #web2 #web1 #incentiveprograms #bitcoin #ethereum #points #getridofpoints #replacepointsbycoins #tokens #NFTs

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Well, let’s start with the beginning, shall we?

The Internet is a network of networks, of computers. We know that.

On top of the Internet, there is a layer to make it more user-friendly: the Web. Over the past 30 years, it has evolved drastically to reach its third version now. Each version has brought something to the world of learning, of education. 

— Web 1 —
The first version of the web, “web 1”, was what we knew in the early 90s. It consisted of read-only static webpages. Companies created websites that were basically a copy of their product catalogues and magazines, but online. The web was a true open space running on open protocols such as http or smtp to enable these computers to “talk” to each other.

Its contribution to education? Web 1 made a lot of knowledge available to the masses. People could get access to information without having to run from one library to the next!

At that time, I was doing one of my very first traineeships, in Norway, and I stumbled across a book about that “network of networks”. I was instantly fascinated and proposed to my then-boss to create what would probably be the first website of an insurance company in Norway.

— Web 2 —
After around 15 years, people had been accustomed to using websites, but they wanted to be able to interact with them. They could already read webpages, but now they also wanted to be able to write, answer to them and contribute. That led to a second version of the web, “web 2”. This is when Facebook and Twitter, among others, developed at an incredible speed. These companies created centralized systems and stored their users’ data in their own servers. And then asked their users to hand over their photos, data – basically their intellectual property – to them giving them an unmatched wealth of information.

Its contribution to education? Web 2 made it possible to have much more interactive learning activities (interactive videos, Multiple Choice Questions, educational games…) and modern Learning Management Systems (LMS). 

Then, unexpectedly – for most of us at least – the financial crash of 2007/2008 took place and changed the world nearly over night.

I was living in Hong Kong at that time and I remember the long files of desperate people queuing in front of “their” banks trying to get back some of their hard-earned savings. In vane…

— Web 3 —
Want to know more?
Like or comment this post and we’ll make it happen for you! 🙂

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Re-imagining training in the new normal

Author: Abodunrin Roberts

Organisations innovate, change, transform, reform, and most importantly go through a life cycle from creation through different stages to maturity and finally through a rebirth or death. In the course of all these stages lies the employees; and the impact of the employees on the organisation either positively or negatively is defined by their skills, knowledge, competence, attitude, diversity in thinking and personality. The success of any strategy, planning or growth is dependent on the quality of the employees.

The inspiration to write this article came as a result of the experience of the year 2020 (The year I call –“the missing year”). Having stayed at home for months, it looks like everybody’s KPI seem to be on the downward trend. The questions that immediately came to mind are, what would the 2020 annual appraisal look like? Would you truly say that you have achieved anything or everything? How would you even appraise what you have achieved?

Training is a commonly used term which has various meanings to various people, yet it is a very important concept to all society. Some scholars regard training as simply taken to mean impartation of ‘knowledge’, ‘enlightenment’ or ‘wisdom’, another school of thought, defines training ‘as the process of teaching and giving instruction, the process of Improving’. Similarly, training can also be seen as ‘the activity of educating people, and all the policy and arrangements concerning this’.

Trainings are tools used by organisations to upgrade and equip employees with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver the vision of the organisation. It is the process of developing employees’ skills and learning new concepts, rules or attitudes in order to increase effectiveness on a particular job. Management training is defined as the process of developing managers’ knowledge, skills and attitude through instruction, demonstration, practice, and planned experience to meet the present and future needs of the business. In other words, training refers to teaching employees required skills and knowledge to perform the assigned tasks effectively and efficiently

The validity of these statements would be a point in focus as I try to unravel the what, why, when, how and where of training, with a special reference to the Risk management and Insurance industry.

Training vision

In everything in life, there must be a reason, a purpose and a desire to achieve something; and the tools to achieve such end are knowledge and skills, however, the knowledge and skills in itself as a tool must have a direction. So what is the purpose of training? What are organisations looking to achieve? How will training be customised to fit the peculiarities of each industry or need? What should organisations look for in providers to ensure that they are the right solutions provider to support their needs?

Competencies vs Training

Competency may be defined as the knowledge and skills that individuals must have to perform effectively at work (CII Competency framework), competency can also embrace those knowledge and skills that individuals must acquire to perform effectively.

Employees performing a task or a role may be doing so without complete competence, but they are unaware of these deficiencies until, by a variety of mechanisms, they may be made aware of these; and pass up the steps to the area of conscious incompetence. Through some learning action, they become capable and competent in the process, but have to perform it consciously and deliberately. Continuous implementation, practice and performance at work raises to the level of that of unconscious competence, where learning has been achieved, and the task is performed effectively without too much thought. However, without reinforcement, unconscious competence can easily slip back to unconscious incompetence.

Training as a function and as a set of activities is concerned with improving or changing behaviour. It is often said that training can influence skills, knowledge and attitude change or modification.

The employee training needs required by organisations are functions of training needs assessment carried on skills gap, qualifications necessary for jobs due to changes in product or services and operations problems emanating from organisation change. Recent evidence established the investment in training with the improvement on productivity, profitability, and stock market performance. A recent review highlights six specific studies that most strongly support this general conclusion. Accordingly, argued that training increases employees’ performance which in turn improve organizations productivity positively, and will further check and arrest the several human and financial costs involved with employees’ turnover. Furthermore they argued that training enable employees in organisation to enhance the potential contribution to the performance of organisation.

Components of Training

Training   involves   showing   evidence   of knowledge and breadth of understanding. The two terms are being used together here to establish that Training depicts more than just mere recitation of information and the acquisition of skills (which is the reality of training). It is generally believed that the Principle and Methods of training stated that the general aims of Training as given by O’ Lenorare is:

a).To provide men and women with the minimum of skills necessary for them to take their place in the society and to seek further knowledge.

b).To provide men and women with vocational training that will enable them to be self-supporting

c).To awaken an interest in and a taste for knowledge

d).To make people critical

e).To put people in touch with and train them to appreciate the cultural and moral achievement of mankind.

Recurring knowledge Gap

Risk Management and Insurance is one industry that requires the knowledge of the operations of the other industries to be able to effectively understand the risks of those other industries and effectively underwrite the risks and price it appropriately. Hence, the knowledge required is constantly dynamic as risks changes and regulation changes. Therefore, the knowledge acquired by Insurance professionals will always be dated subject to new ideas, new ages, new laws, and new regulations; as each change redefines the limits of the insurance principles.

Understanding the needs of organisations

In view the recurring gap that exists in the knowledge base of the practitioners, how do you evaluate an ever moving knowledge gap?

Training, Performance and Change – One of the widely used term in organisations is change, organisations that do not constantly review their strategies, their products, their structures and their philosophies would soon be commuted to history. If growth is desired in organisations, a constant review of objectives and key performance indicators would help to design current situation, future situation and both possible and likely future situations. Whatever the situation is, a key determinant of possible success is the degree to which employees can perform their functions more efficiently and effectively to achieve organisational goals. Training will continually be a tool used as a deliberate attempt to modify employee behaviour and hence performance. Unfortunately, training, just like insurance, have a common misfortune of being seen as a cost rather than an investment and a security.

Transformational Learning

There are four phases of transformational learning and these are (a) having experiences; (b) making assumptions based on simulated circumstances or scenarios; (c) challenging perspectives; and (d) experiencing transformative learning.

Stage 1: Learners are directed in their use of technology

Asynchronous access to information and peer networks. Some ability for learner to select platform, technology, or even content. Traditional classroom learning begins to be disrupted.

Stage 2: This stage is characterized by powerful access to information, networks, and communities, but is mostly unable to leverage that access without supporting frameworks or planning.

Learners are directed in their selection and constructivist use of technology in the learning process, traditionally to accomplish purely academic tasks that are fully accessible without the technology.

Stage 3: Mobile technology erodes traditional classroom. Truly mobile learners should disrupt non-flexible curriculum.

Mobile learning experiences are inherently unpredictable, requiring varied communication, critical thinking, and aggressive resourcefulness. Standards-based academic work struggles for gravity working against this stage of technology integration.

Stage 4: This final stage of technology implementation necessitates learners to consistently self-direct critical, core components of learning experiences.

Self-direction based on curiosity and play while supported by personalized learning algorithms and the connectivity of authentic networks characterizes this final stage of technology integration. Traditional classroom learning is fully disrupted.


Source: https://www.teachthought.com


Impact on the business

How does your organisation link training policies and plans to business policies and plans?

Transformative learning is a 360 degree learning impact that focuses on the employee, the downline report, the up line report and the organisation.

Individual transformation

Character, knowledge, attitude and skills defines an individual, the quality of these attributes would define the competence or contribution of any individual to any organisation. An oriental wise man once said, “The character of an organisation is determined by the character of the leader of that organisation”.

Team Transformation

As the saying goes, “a team is as strong as its weakest member”. For an organisation to reach a desire plateau, every member of the team must have undergone some form of transformation in their role to enable them contribute their best to the team. To this end, it is imperative that the focus on skills, competence and knowledge is first and foremost and individual job before transforming into the team. Easy examples of practical application of this concept is usually found in sports, football, rugby, relays and other similar team sports.

Organisational Transformation

Every organisation goes through different stages and at some point she needs a rebirth, a re-direction or a completely different focus. Whichever is the course that an organisation decided to take, the decision is, usually, either as reaction to environmental changes or as visionary step in creating a new for itself and its world.

Industry transformation

An industry that is leading in innovation and transformation is usually be led by an organisation that takes the position of at “Market maker”. This organisation usually takes the responsibility to redefine the limits of the industry, having done that, then it takes the lead in every aspect of the value chain in that industry. Such organisations would have passed through individual, team and organisational transformation, at that point, they can no longer play on the same level as the industry, hence the need to recreate the playing fields. Competitors that cannot play on this new level, would either transform, be absorbed or die a natural death.

Economic Transformation

The economy of every country is measured, amongst others, by the GDP, GNI and NI. The higher any of these are the higher the number of industries that have undergone transformation contributing to the economy. To attain a level of development as a country, these industries must not only have transformed, they must continually re-invent themselves and lead in innovation, knowledge and creativity.


The underlying factor in this write up is the fact that teams, organisations, industry and the economy are driven by individuals and those individuals are either employees or owners of organisations that play in the economy. The quality of thinking of these employees or individuals that works or owns these organisations usually determines the level of growth or advancement of an economy. It is then suffice it to say that the quality of knowledge they have is directly proportional to the quality of economy they play in. Training transformation is therefore, a key component of a would-be developed economy.

“In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists” – anonymous


Abodunrin Roberts

11th March, 2021



  1. Full Steam Ahead by Ken Blanchard and Jesse Lyn Stoner
  1. Effects of Training on Employees’ Productivity in Nigeria Insurance Industry Ofobruku Sylvester Abomeh and Nwakoby Nkiru Peace
  2. The Analysis of The Effect of Individual Characteristics and Supervisor Support on Motivation and Learning Transfer Agni S. Mayangsari , Jusuf Irianto and S. E. Anis Eliyana
  3. The Influence of Training and Development on Employee Performance: A Study on Garments Sector, Dhaka Bangladesh Most. Monowara Begum Mamy, Rubaiyat Shabbir and Md. Zahid Hasan
  4. Training and Development and Organisational Performance: Standpoint from Private Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria Adedoyin Olawale Adeyi, Exodus Kehinde Apansile, Wisdom Okere and Linus Izediuno Okafor
  5. Transformative Learning as Impact in Social Innovation. This paper is published in DESIGN AND CULTURE, Vol 11, Issue 1, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1080/17547075.2019.1567984, Pre-copyedited Version Jan 2019, Joyce Yee, Bas Raijmakers and Fumiko Ichikawa
  1. https://www.teachthought.com







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Training on how to Sell Insurance – Join our LinkedIn group

Do you sell insurance or do you train people who sell insurance? 

If yes, you are highly welcome to our group on LinkedIn, “Training on how to Sell Insurance (INGAGE)”, https://www.linkedin.com/groups/9029933/  

This group aims at exchanging on each other’s experiences on how to sell insurance and how to train people who sell insurance.

How did you become the best sales person in that insurance company? How do you train your sales team? Do you have any best practice you would like to share? What do you wish you had learned when you started and what would you like to learn now? 

#salestraining #insurancesalestraining #insurancetraining

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Find the insured (or not) Treasure!

Treasure Hunt

Do you have new recruits joining your company in Zurich, London, New York, Hong Kong? Or do you have clients that come to visit you for a workshop or a week-long seminar?

You might want to do a bit of team building and help them discover your city and its history! This app makes it possible for you to organize treasure hunts around the city or your company’s campus.

You can use or ready-made treasure hunts about Zurich or London specifically designed for the insurance industry. Use the out-of-the-box version or customize it to your need!



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Cybersecurity Insurance

Have you considered your exposure to cyber risks?

“Cybersecurity insurance is designed to mitigate losses from a variety of cyber incidents, including data breaches, business interruption, and network damage. A robust cybersecurity insurance market could help reduce the number of successful cyber attacks by: (1) promoting the adoption of preventative measures in return for more coverage; and (2) encouraging the implementation of best practices by basing premiums on an insured’s level of self-protection. Many companies forego available policies, however, citing as rationales the perceived high cost of those policies, confusion about what they cover, and uncertainty that their organizations will suffer a cyber attack. In recent years, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has engaged key stakeholders to address this emerging cyber risk area.”

Read on at https://www.dhs.gov/cisa/cybersecurity-insurance

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How to prevent an explosion!

The Gas Leak Game

Our VR/AR colleagues have created this game for people who need to learn how to install smoke and gas detectors.

Should the learner fail to install the right detectors, the whole lab might explode!



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