Interoperability will probably be a key item in the Metaverse where learners from insurance companies – for example – will experience different insurance-related scenarios to learn from.
Why so? Let’s first check the definition
Interoperability is a characteristic of a product or system to work with other products or systems. While the term was initially defined for information technology or systems engineering services to allow for information exchange, a broader definition takes into account social, political, and organizational factors that impact system-to-system performance.
Interoperability implies exchanges between a range of products, or similar products from several different vendors, or even between past and future revisions of the same product.
Source: adapted from Wikipedia.
This definition might seem theoretical and even irrelevant, but it’s not.
Imagine your learners in the virtual world you propose to them to learn about your products. They might want to enhance their avatars with their favorite digital clothes and other items.
However, as soon as they leave that world, all of these items are lost. They cannot take them with them. They actually don’t really own them!
This is where interoperability comes into the picture. It means that this virtual world can exchange/communicate with another one and that the learner can bring his/her digital clothes and other times in it.