The Insurance Metaverse?

You have probably heard about the Metaverse, but what is it actually? 

Well, there are different views on what a Metaverse is, and obviously as many definitions. According to Wikipedia

A metaverse is a network of 3D virtual worlds focused on social connection. In futurism and science fiction, it is often described as a hypothetical iteration of the Internet as a single, universal virtual world that is facilitated by the use of virtual and augmented reality headsets.

In short: while the Internet – or more precisely the World Wide Web – contains websitesthe Metaverse contains virtual worlds (also called digital worlds). You can also look at the Metaverse as the next version of the Internet, a 3D World Wide Web!

Now, imagine websites about insurance, from insurance companies and other players in the industry. Would they become virtual worlds dedicated to insurance in the Metaverse? Would insurance companies create digital “islands” in the Metaverse as global brands such as Nike did over 10 years ago in Second Life? 

What is your definition of the Metaverse? 
According to you, will there be a Metaverse for insurance? 

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What will be the impact of 5G and 6G on education?

What could be the impact of 5G and 6G on education in your company?

With 6G, the Internet of Things can reach its true potential, for example with cars communicating reliably with each other to coordinate the road traffic. Augmented Reality can also become part of our daily lives

This new technology can then make the Metaverse a normal tool for every day work and schools. We will be able to evolve seamlessly in virtual worlds and experience different scenarios to learn, to make mistakes and improve ourselves. 


This video gives an interesting overview of the evolution of wireless telecommunication networks, from 0G – yes it exists! – to 6G.  

For example, did you know that: 

  • Every 10 years, there is a new generation of wireless networks. Speed increases drastically and so does power consumption. 
  • 0G: that was for the very first “mobile” chunky and bulky phones. 
  • 1G: the first time that the general public could have mobiles phones. They were quite big, if you can remember… 🙂
  • 2G: do you remember your old Nokia phone? That’s the first time you could also send SMS. 
  • 3G: up to 50 times faster than 2G. Without 3G, no Uber or Instagram.
  • 4G: 50-500 times faster than 3G. 
  • 5G: forget the “loading” time. Your experience becomes seamless! However, 5G uses millimeter-waves. They are very small and can be easily blocked – by a wall or a tree for example. Therefore, you need more antennas/transmitters. 
  • 6G: is scheduled for 2030. It will be fast enough to download 100 hours of Netflix in one second! However the 6G waves will have to be even smaller than the 5G millimeter-waves. 

Large companies such as Samsung and Qualcomm strongly invest in new generations of wireless networks. Indeed, not only does it provide a better experience to users and open new applications, it also gives them an opportunity to sell new products. They were building 5G in 2013, 9 years ago!

Source: Mrwhosetheboss

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Can you work without a computer? 

Maybe you have seen the movie “Minority Report”, where the hero uses a gesture-based interface. In the coming years, we will probably work with 3D glasses to achieve something similar. 

Our company helps companies in the insurance industry create their “future of education.” Therefore, we are always looking for better ways to work and teach thanks to new technologies. 

A typical workday for me looks like this: I work on various projects via video conferencing with colleagues and clients around the world, read/write articles, write emails, and watch videos about the latest technologies, educational concepts, and the insurance industry. 
In short, I no longer do IT development or database management, so I don’t really need a powerful computer anymore.
So, for some time now, I’ve wondered if I could try working with just a tablet and some noise-canceling earbuds. Two months ago I took the plunge, bought a tablet and gave up my laptop to work exclusively with it. It’s been an interesting experience. Although it was a little bit unsettling at first because I had to change my habits, it got much better and even opened up more productive ways of working. For example, I usually like to work on paper to draw concepts and brainstorm. Now I can draw and collaborate on online whiteboards. 

I’ve found that I still need my computer from time to time: mostly to access the Metaverse, our virtual worlds. The rest of the time I can work on my tablet!

This video shows that we need fewer and fewer tools to work, as they are replaced by one.

What about you? Do you already work with a tablet or would you consider doing so?   



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Are you agile?

Becoming an agile company means first and foremost rethinking the way we operate so that it is refocused on our customers, both internal and external. Externally, to produce maximum value for the customers who make the company money. Internally, to ensure that the company’s employees are in the best position to deliver this value.

It also means setting up a system that is conducive to change, a benevolent environment, a culture of experimentation and tolerance of failure.

Read Séverin Legras‘ article (in French). 

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A powerful incentive program? What if Ether’s market value overtakes Bitcoin’s?!

Ethereum’s blockchain is nearing a huge turning point that could push Ether’s market value ahead of Bitcoin’s

The blockchain behind the second-largest cryptocurrency, Ether, will soon undergo a highly-anticipated upgrade that may lead to more institutional investors putting money in the network and help lift Ether’s price.


Read the article 

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How can you memorize what you learned much faster thanks to a “Memory Palace”?

One of my favorite hobbies since I was a kid has been to learn languages. I love it! In average, I have studied a new language each year for the past 20+ years. Each time, the goal is to reach a very minimum CEFR level of A2 or even B1 – i.e. the basic level needed to have the beginning of a conversation – so that I can enjoy interacting with people and discover their cultures when I travel around the world. 

All of us can learn languages and even many languages. However, it requires a lot of self-discipline, dedication and even hard work to memorize the hundreds or thousands of words of vocabulary.

Well, this doesn’t sound like good news… however there are some powerful techniques that can make the whole process much faster and much more fun! What if you could replace the effort of memorizing by a bit of creativity, imagination

The good news is that there is a memorizing technique that does precisely this and that can boost results in an impressive way: The “Memory Palace”. 

You might have already heard about it or even practiced it. 


So, what is a “Memory Palace”? 

According to Benny from Fluent in 3 Months:

“A Memory Palace is an imaginary construct in your mind that’s based on a real location. If you can see your bedroom in your mind, then you can build a Memory Palace.

Within your Memory Palace, “stations” are locations like a bedroom or sitting room and the space between them is called a “journey”. As you build your Memory Palace, you will leave words and phrases at these stations and then pick them up later on when you take a journey through your palace.

Please don’t rob yourself of this powerful language learning device by saying you’re not a visual person. In whatever way feels natural, just think about where your bedroom is in relation to your kitchen. Consider how you would move from the bedroom to the kitchen. Take note of the doors, hallways and rooms along the way.”

I don’t think that you absolutely have to base your Memory Palace on a real location, but if it helps you, why not. As for me, the most important is that you can easily visualize and “evolve” in it. 

Is this a new method? 

Actually, it dates back to the ancient Romans and Greeks. 

The method of loci (loci being Latin for “places”) is a strategy of memory enhancement which uses visualizations of familiar spatial environments in order to enhance the recall of information. The method of loci is also known as the memory journey, memory palace, or mind palace technique. This method is a mnemonic device adopted in ancient Roman and Greek rhetorical treatises. Many memory contest champions report using this technique to recall faces, digits, and lists of words.

Source: adapted from The method of loci


Why does it become even more relevant now?

Each learner needs to build their own “Palace”. For some, it might be easier than for others. Indeed, I have seen that some people need much more time to “build” it. 

However, now, you can help your learners by building such Palace for them, in the Metaverse. You choose a virtual world and create the Palace. Then, they can move around that Palace and get inspired and maybe even build their own! 

Once this is done, learners can project themselves again in the environnement and the associations between the words, vocabulary and the locations in the palace will drastically increase the retention rate.


Do you use the Memory Palace or do you have any other ways of remembering a lot of vocabulary?

Please comment below!

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Film: Ready Player One

Good stories are one of the best ways to engage people, and in our case, our learners

Therefore, as you might have noticed, at INGAGE, we enjoy good story-telling and always keep an eye for films that deal with at least one of our 3 core topics: 1) Education, 2) Insurance and 3) Technology.

Indeed, they are the 3 “pillars” that support our niche offering of “Effective Training for Insurance Professionals” based on cutting-edge technologies! 

In this case, the present film is about technology, more precisely, the Metaverse / virtual world, as this is where we conduct some of our training. 

There are several films that present a virtual world. Unfortunately, the vast majority of them are rather dystopian…

I found the film quite entertaining and IMDB gives it 7.4/10 which is quite a good mark. Well, the director is nothing less than Steven Spielberg himself!


What is the story about? 

When the creator of a virtual reality called the OASIS dies, he makes a posthumous challenge to all OASIS users to find his Easter Egg, which will give the finder his fortune and control of his world.

Source: IMDB


What is the novel behind the film?

Ready Player One is a 2011 science fiction novel, and the debut novel of American author Ernest Cline. The story, set in a dystopia in 2045, follows protagonist Wade Watts on his search for an Easter egg in a worldwide virtual reality game, the discovery of which would lead him to inherit the game creator’s fortune.

Cline sold the rights to publish the novel in June 2010, in a bidding war to the Crown Publishing Group (a division of Random House). The book was published on August 16, 2011. An audiobook was released the same day; it was narrated by Wil Wheaton, who was mentioned briefly in one of the chapters. Ch. 20 In 2012, the book received an Alex Award from the Young Adult Library Services Association division of the American Library Association[5] and won the 2011 Prometheus Award.

A film adaptation, screenwritten by Cline and Zak Penn and directed by Steven Spielberg, was released on March 29, 2018. A sequel novel, Ready Player Two, was released on November 24, 2020, although to a less positive reception compared to its predecessor.

Source: adapted from Wikipedia.


Have you already seen Ready Player Two? I haven’t. Would you advise me to watch it? 🙂


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Create pictures for your online courses, fast

I have been using this new technology for a few weeks now. It is amazing!

Are you also tired of standard pictures that do NOT fully represent what you need to express in your training and presentation? 

I used to either hire an expensive designer or settle for an image that didn’t fully represent the message I was trying to convey.

With this new free AI website you can design landscapes yourself just the way you want it.

Soon you will even be able to design photos of office spaces, or people acting out your key messages. 

To create this landscape, all I had to do is position the shapes, such as mountains, clouds, and a lake and then…

 AI does the magic all by itself! 

This technology is going to make individualized graphic design accessible for everyone. Just like YouTube made posting videos online accessible for everyone. 

In case you want to try it, there you go: What do you think? 🙂

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The counterintuitive psychology of insurance

The real reason you buy insurance may have as much to do with pleasing your psyche as it does protecting your wallet. Behavioral psychologist Orit Tykocinski explores the connection between insurance and the reality-distorting risks of “magical thinking” that may make you reconsider your own rationale.

Listen to this podcast


We have to remember, insurance is an antidote, it’s not a vaccine. It doesn’t ward off evil; it doesn’t eliminate the risks that we face. However, when it comes to insurance, the distinction between an antidote and a vaccine somehow gets blurred in our minds. Why does it happen? It happens because people are not that good at assessing risks rationally. Let me give you an example. When I arranged my flight to come here, I had to decide if I wanted to buy travel insurance. Rationally, I should have based this decision on several considerations: the price of the policy, of course, the value of my luggage, the aggravation that I’m likely to experience if my luggage gets lost. And of course, the likelihood of such an event, right? But most of the time, we’re just too busy to make such rational calculations. And anyway, I doubt that Lufthansa are very keen to share their damage statistics with me. So what do we do instead? We rely on our intuition.

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Can Ethereum improve learning and much more?

Vitalik is the creator of the famous blockchain Ethereum. He has both Russian and Ukrainian ancestors. 

Vitalik: « Ethereum will become the launchpad for all sorts of sociopolitical experimentation: fairer voting systems, urban planning, universal basic income, public-works projects. »

Above all, he wants the platform to be a counterweight to authoritarian governments and to upend Silicon Valley’s stranglehold over our digital lives.

« As Buterin learned more about the blockchain technology on which Bitcoin was built, he began to believe using it purely for currency was a waste. The blockchain, he thought, could serve as an efficient method for securing all sorts of assets: web applications, organizations, financial derivatives, nonpredatory loan programs, even wills. »

Source: Time  –  Photo by Benjamin Rasmussen for TIME


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Can you paint this too? ;-)

Have you ever wished you had a talented designer all the time with you to help you create learning content?

Think about this A.I. from NVidia! You are welcome to try it

#artificialintelligence #contentcreation #onlinelearning #teacher #paint #talent

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