Selling thanks to product features?
How often have you been exposed to a sales person who kept on talking and telling you about all the features of product…
… without even understanding what you were looking for? 🙂
How often have you been exposed to a sales person who kept on talking and telling you about all the features of product…
… without even understanding what you were looking for? 🙂
Are you aspiring to be a great sales person who delivers real value to your clients?
Then, knowing very well what you sell is a good place to start!
Whether you work in insurance or other industries, there are 4 main personality types of salespeople.
Which one are you and where do you best fit within the sales process?
Imagine if your sales and fashion style were congruent so that you can generate more results. The way you dress has an impact… Learn how to create more trust and credibility by aligning the way you dress with your sales style.
Here are some examples for men’s wear on what to wear to embody more your sales type.
He is very comfortable in “opening doors”. Often enthusiastic, extroverted, demonstrative and confident, he inspires people and is great at pitching ideas and projects.
His clothing style is slightly eccentric and stands out with original accessories or with vivid colors to communicate his enthusiasm and aliveness.
He closes deals. Charismatic, competitive and driven, he is passionate and quite impatient. He wants to see results.
Mostly mysterious, he mostly wears black or dark colors with a touch of gold or red, symbolising power and decisiveness. He is an « alpha ».
Guided by his internal passion and dedication for improvement, his role is more similar to that of a consultant. He enjoys solving problems in an innovative way, using his logic and analytical skills.
He wears more serious colors such as navy blue and dark grey, representing his wisdom and maturity. Sometimes he adds prints with stripes or checks illustrating structure and order.
Most suited for after-sales, the Caretaker knows his customer very well. He is a very good listener, supportive, helpful, friendly and calm. He is very committed and holds strong values, which makes him a great asset to a team.
The best colors to wear for this profile are pastels, light blue, light pink and cream colors mixed with a comfortable soft, relaxed look. It makes him approachable, safe and friendly.
Have you found your profile? Are you dressing today as the best version of yourself? Would you like to see the same for women’s wear?
If you would like to know more, like or comment this article!
Thanks to our INGAGE Fashion Coach for her inputs. 😉
#salestraining #sellinginsurance #dressforsuccess #imageconsulting #corporatewear
As part of our podcast series “Innovative Training in Sales and Insurance”, Wilma Hartenfels interviews Philippe Séjalon on “Seamless Blended Learning”, the Metaverse and the future of training.
Wilma: “Today I’m talking to Philippe Séjalon. Together with his brother Patrice and another founder, Marion, Philippe founded Ingage several years ago. Ingage brings innovative and immersive training experiences to the still quite traditional insurance industry.
Our interview (in English, with an introduction in German) is about the potential of the metaverse as a new stage of development of the Internet. Philippe explains how he brings together various disruptive technologies such as VR, AR, Blockchain, NFTs and crypto in a Seamless Learning approach to increase learner engagement.”
Listen to this podcast! (see the Wilma Hartenfels’ podcast)
If you like it, please share it! We are also looking forward to your comments. Thanks in advance.
Emission “Un Français dans le monde” : Philippe et Patrice sont deux frères qui parcourent le monde avec leur startup sous le bras.
(L’interview commence à partir de 07:53)
Vous pouvez aussi y accéder directement sur le site de StereoChic, “1ÈRE RADIO DES FRANÇAIS DANS LE MONDE”. Bonne écoute!
How much do you innovate to offer the best training to your employees?
Which of the following building blocks have you already implemented to stay ahead of the competition?
#stayahead #innovativetraining #insurancetraining #corporatetraining #innovation #disruption #metaverse #virtualworld #insurance #web3 #blockchain #seriousgames #boardgames #seamlesslearning #blendedlearning #connectedlearning
Recently we had the opportunity to interview Edi Schmid, who, over the last 30 years, has held several top management positions in the insurance industry.
This is one his observations about the challenges of selling insurance : “The biggest competitors are not other companies selling insurance, but people not buying insurance yet.”
What is your own experience with selling insurance?
At INGAGE we are passionate about providing insurance companies with engaging and effective training. To bring you the latest news and trends, we interview some of the world’s experts in the insurance, training, and tech industries.
#edischmid #CUO #insuranceexperts #insurancetraining#swissre #underwriting #corporatetraining #salestraining#competitors #interviews
– Copenhagen, 1999 : Starting at Ernst and Young Consulting!
My first day as a very fresh consultant: nobody there to welcome and lead me in this new, intimidating adventure. But something blew my mind, on that day. I received 3 things: a laptop, a mobile phone and a corporate credit card so that I could work on projects in Oslo, London or Tokyo. Already back at that time, I discovered a seamless way of working.
– Hong Kong, 2014 : Clients and video conference…
Fast-forward 15 years, I am the co-founder of an edtech startup in Hong Kong. Our team members are located in different countries around the world. We are a “digital-first” company and work together mostly online via video conferences.
After a lot of effort, our team finally manages to line up meetings with one of the world’s most-known luxury watch companies as well as one of the largest insurance companies. We are very excited to present our innovative products to them!
Their answer: “A video conference? No, this is absolutely impossible. We cannot and are not allowed to use video conferences with external companies! You need to fly in to our Headquarters in Switzerland”
We still got many such answers until 2019.
Then, something big happened and gave an incredible boost to digitisation…
– May 18, 2022 : Radical change
Fanny Guinochet, a French journalist I appreciate, explains that 78% of executives (in France) are happy to work remotely. They even envision to work 100% remotely within the next 10 years. 10% of them even think that the “office” will fully disappear!
Executives want to be autonomous, flexible and organise their day-to-day activities as they see fit. They also want to see purpose in their lives and work for companies that are socially responsible. These are also the values of a large group in our society: the Millennials!
#innovation #disruption #newwaysofworking #climatechange #sustainability #Millennials #digitisation #entrepreneurship
Since the 90s, corporate training has gradually made the step from in-person training in training institutes or companies’ meeting rooms to online training via Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Learning Experience Platforms (LXP).
Now, the next challenge is to tackle the Metaverse and seize the opportunities it offers.
Are you interested in knowing how to leverage the Metaverse for your training? Stay tuned and register to our INGAGE Newsletter!
In this webinar, we will discuss the future of learning and how the Metaverse and the blockchain can be used to enhance learning and increase engagement.
We are going to open the ticketing in the next few days.
In the meantime, feel free to register to our INGAGE Newsletter if you want to be updated on the latest events about training and insurance!
This webinar is primarily designed for training, L&D managers as well as product managers. We will draw on our experience from the insurance industry, but it can also be relevant for other industries.
Please note that in order to ensure the quality of our discussion, we will keep the number of attendees to a maximum of 30 people. Apply for an invitation.
We are looking forward to a very interesting webinar with you! 🙂
Time of the event:
Zürich (Switzerland – Zurich) Tuesday, 7 June 2022, 17:00 CEST UTC+2 hours
For your own time zone:
Note: you are also welcome to register to our INGAGE Newsletter if you want to be updated on the latest events about engaging training for the insurance industry!