Interview: Insurance needs to upskill! – With Lukas Stricker
Insightful interview with Lukas Stricker, Senior Lecturer at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences – Institute of Risk & Insurance.
Since January 1 of this year, he is leading all further education activities of the institute. He’s also engaged as advisor in a EdTech company and is consulting insurance companies undergoing major transformations. His insurance and consulting background stems from 14 years with Zurich Insurance company and 3 with McKinsey & Company. Lukas holds a Master of Science from ETH Zurich in Environmental Sciences. This background indicates that he is, as so many in this industry, one that never thought of working in insurance but once there, realised it is a truly fascinating area of work. He is a passionate sailor – on lake Zurich but also as Yacht Master across the oceans. In 1998, he sailed from New York to Portsmouth as member of a crew of six. An experience lasting 25 days and forging complete strangers into a winning team.
Sit down – or walk or even run – and listen to this very interesting and pleasant discussion.
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