HR Innovation

In this “Innovation Slam”, we introduce our online and blended learning platform, applied to language learning.


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” Why did we fail? “

This is the question our Agile coach asked me a few days ago.
I looked at her with what might have been a big question mark on my face. “How can you say we are failing, or even worse, that we failed?! Specially now that we are actually getting one client request after the next !!! ” I answered bewildered. (I should have noticed her malicious smile…, but too late)
She answered: “I’m not saying that you have failed. Nor am I actually saying that you are failing. I am saying that you should think about it.”
“What do you mean?” I answered.
“Project yourself in 6 months. Ask the whole team to do this. Then, ask the team why it has failed. Ask it to find all the reasons why you collapsed, disappeared. This will help you identify the key challenges you face now.”
“Did you get my attention?” she added.
“Oh yes, as always…” I answered.
To my Dear-Agile-Coach: Thanks for this wonderful – though simple – tip. 😉
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Partnerships, partnerships, partnerships


We strongly believe in mid to long-term partnerships!

We don’t spend all our time looking in the mirror. We like to look forward, together with reliable partners, clients.

This might sound a bit naive, but we strongly believe in this.



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Action Asia!

Off-road triathlon

Some of our team members participate to the existing Action Asia Off-road triathlon!

Well done!

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Theater workshop for children victim of violence in Hong Kong

Our team in Hong Kong organized a whole weekend workshop to help children victim of violence to regain a bit of confidence by developing their language skills to perform a theater play. 

Thanks to Miss France finalist, Maud Garnier, and all our other volunteers without whose help this would not have been possible! 

At the end of this weekend, the children held an amazing theater play in English!

We all had a lot of fun. Congratulations! 🙂




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