Siguiendo con nuestro ultimo post sobre el impacto de la inteligencia artificial en la industria de seguros hoy vamos a hablar de seguros comerciales. Con agrado, vemos cada vez mas iniciativas, proyectos de transformación integral y capital fluyendo a Insurtechs enfocadas en Líneas Comerciales. Años de mercado blando han puesto mucha presión en los equipos de suscripción. Ajustes, recortes y reestructuraciones que han sobrecargado el día a día de los suscriptores al punto de comprometer su nivel de servicio a los brokers y clientes.
Desde RiskTech, trabajamos en distintas iniciativas que se adaptan a las necesidades y requerimientos de nuestros clientes como son:
. Triagge en base al apetito de la compañía al momento de la recepción a fin de definir prioridades y atender los casos mas importantes.
. Alertas de parámetros o exposiciones en base a autoridad o pautas de suscripción que se generan en tiempo real al momento de cargar la cuenta.
. Generar de forma automática la mayor cantidad de información posible. Tanto de fuentes internas (pago de prima, siniestralidad, otras líneas activas, etc.) como externas (google maps, NatCat, Nathan, noticias de actualidad).
. Estimación de la siniestralidad potencial a nivel cuenta y portafolio en base a datos históricos.
Estas iniciativas apuntan a liberar a los técnicos de tareas repetitivas para poder enfocarse en actividades de estrategia, desarrollo de negocios y suscripción pura impactando de forma positiva el resultado de la compañía.
This group aims at exchanging on each other’s experiences on how to sell insurance and how to train people who sell insurance.
How did you become the best sales person in that insurance company? How do you train your sales team? Do you have any best practice you would like to share? What do you wish you had learned when you started and what would you like to learn now?
You may have heard a lot about topics on how to make tourists love your country more. But today I’ll talk about something different, which is, how tourists help ‘me’ to love my country more?
A new trend is rising in tourism
We are witnessing a change in tourism trends – mass tourism vs slow tourism (e.g. digital nomad type of tourism). In Croatia, island hopping was very popular for the last few years. Tourists would land in Split and spend one to two days in each city or island till they reached Dubrovnik. Their holidays would pass very hectically and be rich in touristic content. Now with rising security measures, it is more complicated to travel so you cherish your time at each location even more. When you stay at one place long enough to start recognizing local people, when you find your favourite spot on the beach or best spot for coffee, you begin to identify with your destination.
Now you see how mass tourism has had a bad influence – bringing mostly consumers and a lot of pressure on the environment. That said, the new trend of tourists who stay longer in one place – that is their ‘’home’’ for the moment – goes hand in hand with rethinking the responsibility we all have to make our home sustainable for generations of local and tourists to come.
The positive aspects of the new trend
My perception of tourism is dual: the first point of view is as a small business owner who depends on tourism and its economy; the second point of view is as a landscape architect, looking out for the preservation of our natural resources and saving small-town identity – ”Genius loci”.
I feel that I have insider info from both sides that can actually be used for changes on a small-scale along with long-term big effectivity.
I’m living partly in Split now, a small Dalmatian town that had experienced a touristic boom over the last few years. That makes me feel partly like a tourist in my own country. With COVID, Split has become a go-to place for Digital nomads from all over the world and some of them I befriended. And that inspired me for this post.
They come mainly because of the weather, with the sea nearby, sunshine, feeling of safety, you can spend most of the days doing outdoor activity. So they do, Digital nomads hang out and organize group yoga, language exchange, and hiking trips. But what truly amazed me was their local actions that they are willing to participate and even organize – from beach cleaning, helping out people who lost their homes in the earthquake, volunteering in animal shelter…they give us an objective view of our daily surroundings that we are used and numbed to.
How can we continue the virtuous cycle
Digital nomads give us the momentum to act towards making our home inviting to people who will come as a responsible individual, a sustainable tourist. The one who will immerse in our laid back culture and richen our daily lives.
They are leaving us with understanding what makes us special. We should use their wide travel experience to treat our home with respect and grow it with the guidelines below:
Invest in an open, transparent community where people can engage, they want to but don’t know how to
Use ecological principles in daily lives and be proud of it. Reuse! Repurpose! Respect natural surroundings!
Walk, bike – take care of your own body, it will bring you satisfaction and you will actually see the places in your hometown they love the most and you haven’t seen in years.
Support local small food producers – help them, talk to them, find out their story and be proud to make friends with them -then recommend them to your tourist – they will be very happy and feel included.
Following just these little steps, you will see your community with different eyes – it will have a new social layer and enrich your life so you can be proud to be part of the positive change tourism will bring us. It actually already has!
We first have to note that different people have different definitions of what a digital nomad (DN) is. Therefore, it is not very surprising to see that there are different answers to the question above!
We found a first estimate about the number of DNs:
Then, we thought: most DNs look for a place to work and most of the time, this is either a coworking space or a nice café.
So, how many coworking spaces are there?
According to the Statista Research Department from November 4, 2020, there were 26,300 coworking spaces in the world in 2020. Their sizes vary a lot, but let’s assume that each coworking space can host in average 80 people.
This is only a wild guess, but if we keep this reasoning, that would lead to 2,104,000 people globally.
If you have any statistics on the topic that are more accurate, please share them with us. Thanks in advance!
The trend of having a life of a digital nomad is getting only greater by the day. Our founders and digital nomads Philippe and Patrice had an interview with RTL and talked about the daily life of digital nomads in Croatia. So what’s the government’s, business and digital nomad’s perspective of view of this relatively new phenomenon? Check this video out:)
The first Croatian digital nomad is Melissa Paul from America. She is a social media manager and blog editor. She was the first to apply and now lives and works in Istria. And who are the digital nomads? These are the ones who can work anywhere in the world. All they need is a laptop and a good internet connection. There will be more and more of them because, from this year, Croatia is giving them one-year visas.
Patrice and Philippe are living their dream now. Ever since they decided four years ago to change their lifestyle and become digital nomads. They combine the comfortable with the useful.
Patrice Séjalon I feel so free now. It’s fantastic. It’s kind of normal to be in a place which is like Split and it’s amazing. And yet, you’re also working.
They lived all over the world but Split is an ideal place for them. They have been here since October.
Philippe Séjalon There’s beautiful weather, nice people and it’s a cosy place with amazing nature. So we feel home.
Although their job requires good organization, they also like to be a part of the life of the local community.
I love picigin and we also love doing yoga. Yoga on Sustipan and yoga on the beach here. Running and doing yoga is what we really love.
Along with two brothers from France, Split is an increasingly common choice for life and work.
Toni Trivković Digital nomads from around the world. People call, looking for information. Are there co-working spaces in Split? Where we can meet locals? And what we decided in the association itself is, to here one person to help. With creating content so that these foreigners can integrate more quickly into the local community. And so that they could stay in the same community longer.
The state took care of it by introducing visas with special conditions for digital nomads.
Jan De Jong Currently, we are working with the ministry of interior and the ministry of tourism together on developing one website where all the information will be available so that digital nomads will know what is the requirement that they need to read in order to apply.
This will make it easier for travelling businessman to decide for our country.
Martina Nimac Kalcina Given that they are very grateful, given that they are very good guests. Both neat and responsible. I think it’s an extremely good opportunity to take advantage of and host such people. Visa applications should start in March.
Bootstrapping is one of the strongest forms of entrepreneurship, meaning start and proceed a business without external capitals. They will survive through very little money and no outside investments to build their business.
That makes the very difference between bootstrapped start-ups and fund-raised companies. Bootstrapped businesses expect to have slow and quiet growth, focusing on business models to offset the costs. On the other hand, companies involved with external funding or help will be expected to have a higher growth rate so that they could strategically meet the investor’s ROI.
Many of the successful companies had their beginnings as a bootstrapped company. Including,
Dell Computers
Facebook Inc.
Apple Inc.
Coca Cola Co.
In this article, I will write about bootstrapping in business, financing methods, stages and pros and cons of bootstrapping.
Bootstrapping Financing methods
Owner Financing: The use of personal income and savings.
Personal Debt: Credit card debt, personal loans
Sweat Equity: A party’s contribution to the company in the form of effort.
Minimize Operating Costs: Keep costs as low as possible.
Inventory Minimization: Requires a fast turnaround of inventory.
Subsidy Finance: Government cash payments or tax reductions.
Selling: Cash to run the business comes from sales.
Bootstrapping process
Early Stage The entrepreneur utilizes personal savings or borrowed or investment money from friends and family. Also, the founder mightberunning or working for other projects.
Customer and (or) Sales-Funded Stage In this stage, money from customers is used to keepthe business operating and, eventually, funds growth. Once expenses are met, growth will speed up.
Credit Stage In the credit stage, the entrepreneur must focus on the funding of specific activities, such as improving equipment, hiring staff, etc. At this stage, the company takes out loans or may even find venture capital, for expansion.
Companies Eligible for Bootstrapping
Early-stage companies They do not need a large amount of capital which will allow for flexibility for the business and time to grow.
Serial entrepreneur companies The founder has capital from the exit of previous companies they can use to invest could reap the benefits of bootstrapping
Advantages of Bootstrapping
Full control Founders will hold total control over the finances which allows themto maintain control over the organization’s cash flow. Equity is retained by the owner and can be redistributed at their discretion. This can ensure that the business is moving in the direction desired, according to the founders’ vision and cultural values, without any external influence, and when successful, keeping the profits for themselves.
Low barriers of entry Start with the founder’s own money means that super-efficiency is necessary. Solving problems without external funding means that bootstrappers have to become resourceful and develop a versatile skill set.
Focus on the business itself Raising external finance can be a very stressful and time-consuming task. By bootstrapping their company, founders can concentrate on the core aspects of the business such as sales and product. Additionally, due to the limited cash supply, it’s normal to have alternative options such as factoring, asset re-financing, and trade finance with bootstrapping.
Disadvantages of Bootstrapping
Personal liability – High risk of failure All financial risks pertaining to the business in question all fall on the owner’s shoulders. The owner is forced to put either their own or their family/friend’s investments in jeopardy in the event of the business failing. The founder needs to become adept at handling stressful situations that might crop up if you finance your company using debt to another person, such as family members and friends. Understanding what is expected and communicating this clearly to others can help you cope with the stress of the situation.
Limited cash flow Without the aid of occasional external sources of funding, entrepreneurs can find themselves unable to promote employees or even expand their businesses. A lack of money could possibly lead to a reduction in the quality of the service or product. One reason some bootstrapped companies are unsuccessful is due to the lack of revenue: Profit may not be sufficient to meet all costs.
Starting a business most often requires very long hours of work just to keep your business going, plus, usually, there is no stipend to go with this effort. All problems are yours, as hiring staff is not usually an option.
Bright side
Building your own financial foundations is a huge attraction to future investors. Investorsare much more confident when it comes to funding businesses that are already backed and have shown promise. Flaws can be corrected with growth, such as product and service. Therefore, perfection at the launch of the business is not a necessity.
In this article, I will write about the basic conditions that every online course should meet.
Although there are various forms of knowledge transfer via the Internet, online courses are only one type of online learning.
When creating them, every instructional designer should keep in mind the following items, which will be described below. Of course, these are just the key points. Perhaps with the development of technology and newlearning theories, these key points will go down in history or will be contextually expanded.
1. Simple workenvironment
For a participant to feel safe in a work environment on the Internet, that work environment must have a good user interface. What does it mean? In short, you need to make sure that the participant learns what is intended, without having to study the platform on which he is learning for too long. If the participant first has to master the platform on which he is learning, and only then move on to specific content, his motivation to learn will greatly decrease. The worst scenario is that the participant spends more time navigating the platform than on the content of the course itself.
Most educators first need to decide which learning platform to use. The technical solution means the choice of the platform, ie LMS (Learning Management System) software that will be used for the distribution of courses. There are many of them on the market, and before you make a decision on which one to use, you must research them well, that is, test the trial versions.
The most important thing for the participant is that the work environment is not too complicated. This means:
* Easy registration for the participant,
* There should be simple instruction for participants on how the platform works.
2. Quality and clear course content
We can say that a course has excellent quality if the content of the course can improve and expand knowledge, and then apply it in practice. A good online course always offers specific knowledge that you can use in daily life.
For a course to be considered quality, it must meet the following conditions:
* It should be written in clear language;
* It is well structured didactically;
* Has elements of narration (or “tells a story”);
* Content goes from easy to hard;
* Is written in an easy-to-understand way, but it also has an expert review of the content.
For the content to be well created, it is a prerequisite that the goals and outcomes of the online course are well defined in advance.
The length of the content must be in line with the topic covered in the online course. It should not be too short and superficially processed, because in that case, the participants will not have the acquired knowledge after completing the course. Also, one should not exaggerate and be too extensive. ?
Goals and outcomes
Watch a short video below about creating goals and outcomes for an online course.
3. Interactive content
The content of the course must not be boring for the participants.
If you only see lines and lines of text in the course, without any multimedia content to enrich it, you are actually reading a PDF document. For some content not to be boring for the participants, it is better to enrich it with exercises, examples, scenarios, tests, tasks, simulations, dialogues, case studies, links, manuals, presentations and more.
The quality of the online course will increase significantly if you make it interactive and allow participants to be active in the learning process.
Depending on what you want to achieve, you will use a program or web tool to create exercises for participants.
The list of programs and web tools used by the experts are numerous, and I will deal with this topic in more detail in one of the following articles. These are just some of the most popular ones at the moment.
Pay attention!
When using interactivity in an online course, be careful that the interactivity elements are justifiably embedded in the content.
The following should be taken into account:
* Not to add animations, sound, or colorfulness if it is not necessary, i.e., didactically justified;
* Not to overdo the number of interactive exercises.
Interactive content does not serve to visually enhance the course, but to encourage participants to take action.
4. Communication on the online course
Many creators of online courses neglect this important segment, and many of them consider it completely unnecessary.
However, when a participant learns something, he should get some feedback about his work and progress, but also needs someone he can ask for an opinion or suggestion if there are any misunderstanding. Exchanging opinions and ideas with other learners and working as a group also encourage the provision of knowledge to the participants.
A characteristic of online courses is the lack of personal contact between the lecturer and the participant. However, this challenge can be overcome in two ways:
Forums for discussion within the learning platform;
Direct communication with the author/lecturer of the course.
As in live communication, similar rules apply to online communication. If you are a course instructor/moderator, try to:
* Respond regularly to incoming messages from participants;
* Admit if you overlooked or made a mistake;
* Be kind and friendly when replying to messages;
* Use your knowledge to help participants master the content of the course.
In this way, you will provide your students with good and quality feedback and you will be able to overcome the lack of personal contact.
5. And what happens after the course?
Many courses do not have a clear outcome for participants after completing the course. Therefore, from the beginning, it is very important to define the goals and outcomes of the course, as well as the competencies that the participant will acquire at the end of the course. To be able to say that an online course has good quality, it must ultimately have a final product. The final product iswhat the participant created independently, but with the help of the knowledge acquired in his course.
You wouldn’t want to go back to the course after which you have the feeling that you have learned something new, but you might have no idea how to implement it in practice. This brings us back to the story of well-edited content, which is important to enrich with real-life or business examples.
Suggestions for ensuring the knowledge of participants after the course are:
Post-course activities – make sure your participants try out the knowledge they have acquired in the course in real life. Give them real-life opportunities and advise them on how they can use their knowledge.
Social networking – allow participants to connect with each other. Refer them to groups, forums, a community where they can find similar people with whom they will be able to share knowledge and experience and thus expand existing knowledge.
These are just some of the elements that are important for the development and creation of online courses but by no means the only ones. Anyone who embarks on the adventure of creating and distributing online courses should keep in mind that this area is very wide and that it is impossible to learn it from just one blog post.
Our founders Philippe and Patrice had an interview with RTL and shared their insights about being a digital nomad and the digital transformation of companies these days.
They’ve been digital nomads since 2013, discovering positive effects on company management. With the help of proper plans and the right people, digital nomad and remote work will contribute to delivering an engaging culture, enhancing innovation and even reducing some companies’ costs, such as the office rental.
Before we look into digitization, what is a digital nomad, or “DN” as we say in the community?
There are several definitions, but one might argue that a DN is a professional who moves around three times in a year under their own steam, rather than at an employer’s request. Let’s go with that definition for now. 🙂
So, how can this nomadic lifestyle link to digitization and companies?
Go lean. Streamline processes.
It’s a good time to change. As a digital nomad, you can only carry that much in your luggage. Every single item, even an extra piece of paper has a cost. Hence most things should be digital.
Almost a year into a monumental shift to work-from-home, business leaders are more convinced about the productivity gains achieved. The success of remote work has reimagined how corporate work gets done, as well as where the work takes place.
Remote work has been an immense success for both employees and employers. 83% of employers now say the shift to remote work has been successful for their company1).
You can embrace an even more engaging culture by putting digitization at the core of your business.
Attract more talents by digitizing your company.
A lot of young real talents have made the step to become digital nomads. And even more of them are daydreaming of it. We have met a lot of them in coworking spaces around the world. They are brilliant. They are highly motivated. It is perceptible that lots of companies only providing traditional workplaces are losing their attractiveness towards them since they’re not embracing geographic or working hours flexibility. Why not living in the Caribbean, working at night and enjoying surfing during the afternoon?! We did this for a few months and enjoyed it tremendously. No need for holidays after this, although we did work a lot.
By digitizing the company, you will embrace the flexibility that most employees (and some employers) have been craving. It is likely to transform a company’s culture into a more creative and engaging one.
Some next topics we could share with you with pleasure are,
What are the benefits of remote work from a company’s point of view?
What are the new opportunities for digitization under the era of the pandemic?
How can you advance your team to be more inspired, forward-thinking and ready to solve complex tasks by adopting remote work.
How can you reduce cost and improve HR management by allowing your team to work remotely?
Challenges to be a digital nomad and how did we overcome them.
Please let us know what you would be interested in!
Ali is the former CEO of Kot Insurance Company AG, Pemex’s Reinsurance Captive Company, with assets of US$1 billion. As such, he was one of the largest buyers of insurance in the world.
He is fluent in Spanish, English, Arabic and French with a perfect understanding of the Global Insurance Market as well as Latin America.
Ali likes to say: “Know your risk as much as possible”. Indeed, the better you understand your risk, the more you are able to manage it, and insure it.
Listen to this insightful podcast “Buying insurance for billions – Interview with Ali Hauser”.
If you like it, please share it! We are also looking forward to your comments. Thanks in advance.
Our digital nomad lifestyle has been an incredible source of experiences! We have not only seen amazing places, but more importantly, met great people from around the world! Some of them have even joined our team. With some others, we have created synergies and in all cases, we have had a good time!
“In Latin America and the Caribbean, more than 154 million children or about 95% of the enrolled students are temporarily out of school owing to COVID-19;
There is a significant digital divide in the region which threatens the accessibility of remote learning and other education technologies to all;
Governments and start-ups are stepping up to meet the challenge, deliver learning programmes and overcome the region’s connectivity issues.”
“The global e-Learning market size was 171 Billion in 2019 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.85% during 2019 to 2025.”
“North America’s e-Learning market share accounts for nearly 40 percent of the global e-Learning market.”
“APAC is expected to witness the highest growth rate that will give market vendors many opportunities.”
“One trend in the market is the increase in adoption of microlearning, which refers to learning using bite-sized content. Since educational institutions and the corporate sector focus on personalized learning, there will be a growing preference for microlearning in the coming years.”