Insurance training is boring?

Most of us have been through corporate training, in companies’ meeting rooms, training centers or convention halls. There, even if the training sessions were not always interesting, the advantage was that you could meet new people, do some networking and at least have breakfast or even lunch. Hot coffee and warm croissants… it’s not that bad after all. What about the Return on Investment for that training? Well… 

Since the COVID spread around the world however, training has substantially evolved and gone online at a previously unseen pace. Companies that were only talking about digitization now had to do it! Under time pressure. Many companies were not ready and had to put together some online courses within a very short timeframe. As for the level of quality and engagement, well… 

In both cases, learners find the training sub-optimal, not to say totally boring. If 5% of your learners finish your online courses, it’s normal. No, it’s not! If you have the right management buy-in and the right online training, you should aim much higher. 

Does it have to be that way? Really?
Young talents expect – and deserve – more than this! We all love learning.

Alright, alright, but “some topics are more interesting than others”, “Insurance is dull, it’s boring.” Really?
Protecting the people you love and the things you like is boring? Insurance is connected to anything we do. There are countless beautiful or tragic stories related to insurance.

Besides, ANYTHING can be made interesting. It’s all about your state of mind… 

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INGAGE on Social Media

The INGAGE Institute 


On podcast platforms


On other social media


Other groups on LinkedIn 

  • Online Learning for Insurance: The purpose of this group is to share information and our experience about e-learning in the insurance industry.
  • Training on how to Sell Insurance: Do you sell insurance or do you train people who sell insurance? This group aims at exchanging on each other’s experiences on how to sell insurance and how to train people who sell insurance. How did you become the best sales person in that insurance company? How do you train your sales team? Do you have any best practice you would like to share? What do you wish you had learned when you started and what would you like to learn now?
  • Technologies for training: Are you passionate about teaching, training and how to use technology to make it more effective and engaging? If yes, welcome! ?



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ETH is volatile. What about Dai? xDai?

Ethereum is probably one of the most well-know cryptos around the world, together with Bitcoin obviously. 

Its value has kept increasing at an incredible pace over the past few years. The advantage has also been that it was very cheap to send ETH back and forth. 

However it has become increasingly expensive to exchange ETH.  Just imagine that you want to send the equivalent of 50 USD in ETH to a friend. It used to cost a few cents in what is called “gas fees”. Now, it’s sometimes 25 USD!

Not only can it be expensive to exchange ETH, but ETH is also extremely volatile. Therefore, a USD-pegged version of ETH was created: Dai! That’s good if you want to have a bit more stability, but it does not solve the gas fee issue. 

Therefore, xDai was created! xDai is actually based on another blockchain but it is compatible with ETH and linked to Dai actually. 

Now, while xDai is probably not as secure as ETH/Dai, the advantage is that the gas fees are nearly null. This makes it possible to experiment with a crypto (your own crypto even) at a very minimal cost. 

Enjoy! 🙂

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Mon expérience chez INGAGE

“Digital Nomad” depuis bientôt 2 ans, je voyage dans divers endroits du monde tout en travaillant depuis mon laptop sur des projets digitaux. En gros, le terme « digital nomad» signifie: être capable de travailler depuis n’importe où tant qu’une connexion internet est disponible ! Travailler pendant les voyages, depuis des domiciles temporaires à l’étranger, des hôtels, des cafés, ou encore des Coworking Spaces, ce mode de vie nomade offre la possibilité de voyager à plein temps, ou de passer au moins une bonne partie de l’année dans les zones du monde qu’on préfère!

Voyager, rencontrer des personnes de ce même milieu et d’autres, partager nos expériences, sont des moments précieux qui resteront marqués pour toujours. Ces personnes de chaque coin du monde qui deviennent des collègues, des coéquipiers, des amis, nous apprennent tous quelques choses et nous font grandir dans un contexte multiculturel et élargissent notre vision du monde. Le fait de pouvoir échanger des idées avec des personnes créatives et entrepreneuses au style de vie différent,  nous aide à devenir nous-même beaucoup plus créatif et à mener notre travail avec encore plus d’efficacité. 

Et c’est ce qui s’est passé avec Ingage! J’ai commencé à travailler pour Phil et Pat en septembre 2019 par tout hasard… à ce moment je me trouvais au Costa Rica pour travailler sur un projet marketing pour promotionner un Coworking Space à Puerto Viejo. Phil et Pat se trouvaient dans ce même Coworking Space et c’est comme ça que tout a débuté. Depuis ce jour, je les aide sur certains projets et c’est toujours un plaisir de travailler avec des personnes comme eux, qui partage ce même mode de vie. Nous échangeons souvent sur les meilleurs endroits où aller et les meilleurs Coworking Space d’où travailler.

Voyager tout en travaillant offre des possibilités immenses tant au niveau professionnel que personnel. Cela nous permet d’acquérir de nouvelles connaissances et capacités que l’on aurait difficilement acquises autrement. La liberté en vaut largement la peine et on a la chance de vivre à une époque où travailler n’est pas incompatible avec voyager… C’est la preuve, avec les startups comme INGAGE, tout est possible!

Jessica 🙂

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“EU vs Virus” Hackathon

Some of our team members are participating to this weekend Hackathon.

The European Commission, led by the European Innovation Council and in close collaboration with the EU member states, will host a pan-European hackathon to connect civil society, innovators, partners and investors across Europe in order to develop innovative solutions for coronavirus-related challenges

For more information, see

Let us know if you want to join us! 


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BYOD: “Bring Your Own Drink!”

Our team at INGAGE organizes “Bring Your Own Drink” sessions every 3-4 weeks with colleagues and friends around the world.

Each time, we have a Special Guest leader in a field who shares insights about a key global challenge (Blockchain, Human Rights and Technology, Virtual Reality, etc.) followed by quick updates from some of our team members around the world.

While we do have some “serious” but exciting topics, these sessions are first of all meant to spend a good time together in this period of global confinement due to COVID-19.

Many of you have been very supportive over the past few years and we would be happy to welcome you to our future sessions. We have a large group every time and due to many requests, please contact me to make sure you’re included in our event. Cheers ?

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Increase learning retention thanks to Pareto!

You probably have heard about the Pareto Principle.

The Pareto principle states that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes (the “vital few”).[1] Other names for this principle are the 80/20 rule, the law of the vital few, or the principle of factor sparsity.[2][3]

Management consultant Joseph M. Juran developed the concept in the context of quality control, and improvement, naming it after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who noted the 80/20 connection while at the University of Lausanne in 1896.[4] In his first work, Cours d’économie politique, Pareto showed that approximately 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population. The Pareto principle is only tangentially related to Pareto efficiency.

Mathematically, the 80/20 rule is roughly described by a power law distribution (also known as a Pareto distribution) for a particular set of parameters, and many natural phenomena have been shown to exhibit such a distribution.[5] It is an adage of business management that “80% of sales come from 20% of clients”.[6]


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Utilización de Inteligencia Artificial para lograr eficiencias en el proceso de suscripción de líneas comerciales.

Guest Author: Juan D’Alessandro

Las Compañías de Seguro comienzan a poner los datos a trabajar para ofrecer a sus clientes productos innovadores. La ciencia de los datos, impulsa la automatización de procesos repetitivos y provee más conocimiento para, al final del día, ofrecer un servicio personalizado a los clientes aumentando su satisfacción y relación con la marca.

Para empezar, vamos a repasar que es la Inteligencia Artificial. En 1956, John McCarthy acuñó la expresión «inteligencia artificial» como «la ciencia e ingenio de hacer máquinas inteligentes, especialmente programas de cómputos que reúne características y comportamientos asimilables al de la inteligencia humana. Una definición mas actual que se adapta a la realidad es la siguiente: la capacidad de un sistema para interpretar correctamente datos externos, para aprender de dichos datos y emplear esos conocimientos para lograr tareas y metas concretas a través de la adaptación flexible.

Sin duda, adoptar una estrategia integral sobre el manejo de la información es vital para garantizar el correcto funcionamiento de los modelos desarrollados y su resultado. Este es el principal desafío de las compañías. Recolección, transformación, clasificación y almacenamiento es esencial para poner en practica estos modelos. El origen de los datos pueden ser fuentes externas como redes sociales o internas (formularios, histórico de siniestros y primas).

Algunos casos de impacto de esta tecnología en la industria:

  • Reducir el tiempo dedicado a tareas repetitivas. Estas tareas simples que ocupan un gran porcentaje del tiempo de los equipos de Suscripción, Operaciones, Siniestros pueden ser realizadas por modelos entrenados.
  • Ofrecer un servicio personalizado a sus clientes y corredores anticipándose a sus necesidades. Conocer mejor a los clientes.
  • Desarrollar nuevos canales de venta utilizando el IoT
  • Mejorar el resultado de la compañía implementando modelos de detección de siniestros fraudulentos. 

Estos son solo algunos ejemplos propios de la industria. También existen productos ya operativos en otras industrias (fintech, ecommerce) que se están adoptando como Chatbots, Manejo de recursos humanos, etc.

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