Do you still think that you are smarter than an AI? ?

Artificial intelligence (AI) can now solve grade-school math problems and, more impressively, university-level math problems.    

This AI is based on a language model called Codex that is able to write computer programs. It gets additional guidance in the form of being told what topic the problem is about, what code library to use, and what the definition of mathematical concepts is. It is also able to generate new math problems. According to human evaluators, it is almost as good as humans at solving math problems.   

What if I told you that AI wrote this text?   

AI can even help create online courses for insurance for example!   

#singularity #artificialintelligence #ai #onlinecourses #coursecreators #coursewizard 



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Create engaging courses within an hour!

The Course Wizard

You have experts in underwriting, claims management, sales of insurance products, actuaries and many others. More often than not, they are happy to share some of their knowledge. However, they lack time.

Do your experts have a lot of knowledge that should be shared within the company or with clients? What if you could create engaging courses within a very short time thanks to a visual tool?

This is exactly what our Course Wizard does! Now, you can create an engaging course, not within months or weeks, but hours.



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