Insightful interview on how to excel in B2B selling with Gabriela Fuchs Frei, Executive Director at SIX.

In this podcast, my colleague Christiane Moeschler and myself had the opportunity to #learn from Gabriela on :

– What does it take to be a good #salesperson?

– How can you overcome #rejection?

– How to build a successful #salesteam?

– How has the #pandemic changed sales?

– An interesting story from a #procurement department that was doing everything to #pressure her team.

– And much more…

In 30 years of experience in #globalcompanies, in #sales and #management of international sales teams, Gabriela has seen it all – or very close to it.

She initially studied #hotelmanagement, then got an #MBA at the University of St.Gallen.

I think that she could sell me anything, whether she speaks in English, German, French or even Italian!

When asked about sales, Gabriela likes to say: “You need to have the #passion to sell!”. She clearly has it.

Sit down – or walk or even run – and listen to this very interesting and pleasant discussion.

#interviews #gabrielafuchsfrei #ExecutiveDirector #SIXFinancials #sales #salesexperts #managingsalesteams #salestraining #corporatetraining #crossselling #digitisation #edutainment #engagement