As part of our podcast series “Innovative Training in Sales and Insurance”, I had the pleasure to talk with Francis Srun about luxury selling and the impact technology has on it.
Francis is an International Executive with a proven record in Management, Sales, Marketing and Strategy. He did his entire career with world-class brands such as Carrefour, Relay, Piaget, Ralph Lauren, Boucheron, spanning 20 years of a successful path in Luxury, mostly in watch, jewelry and fashion.
He is fluent in French, English and Chinese with a perfect understanding of Asia markets.
Francis likes to say: “It’s always possible. Very often, the simplest is the best. Execution is key: just do more and better. The true difference is made by the “daily commercial creativity”: with intelligence and sensibility, create,
innovate and… deliver.”
He is a Board Director of HAYA Retail Solutions, a leader in Luxury Stores Fitting and Retail commercial Fixtures millwork in China and exports around the world. Creator of Luxury Selling, World First Mobile Training on Luxury Selling techniques.
Listen to this insightful podcast “Selling Luxury – Interview with Francis Srun“.
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