Professionals must urgently reassess skill sets and adaptability to stay ahead of the impending technological transformation.

Source: Thought-provoking statement from Stability AI’s co-founder | LinkedIn

Quick Summary

AI is projected to surpass outsourced programming capabilities by 2025, potentially disrupting global workforce dynamics, especially in Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sectors.

Key Points

  • Stability AI co-founder predicts ‘complete destruction’ of BPO market by 2025
  • Remote workers are at highest risk of AI displacement
  • In-person work may provide greater job security in the near future

Why It Matters

This prediction highlights the rapid evolution of AI technologies and their potential to fundamentally transform employment landscapes, particularly in tech and service industries. Organizations and workers must proactively adapt and develop skills that AI cannot easily replicate to remain competitive and relevant.

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Stability AI’s co-founder predicts AI will surpass outsourced programming capabilities by 2025, potentially disrupting global workforce dynamics.

Quick Summary

Stability AI’s co-founder predicts AI will surpass outsourced programming capabilities by 2025, potentially disrupting global workforce dynamics.

Key Points

  • AI is expected to be more effective than outsourced programmers, especially in remote work scenarios
  • Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) markets could face ‘complete destruction’ due to AI technologies
  • In-person work may provide more job security compared to remote work

Why It Matters

This prediction signals a profound transformation in global labor markets, challenging traditional outsourcing models and highlighting the urgent need for workforce adaptation. Organizations and professionals must proactively develop skills that complement AI capabilities to remain competitive in an increasingly automated work environment.

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Rêves lucides: Apprendre, réviser, s’entraîner tout en dormant!

Introduction aux rêves lucides

Vous êtes-vous déjà rendu compte durant votre sommeil que vous étiez en train de rêver ? Si oui, félicitation, vous avez fait un rêve lucide ! Si oui, félicitation, vous avez fait un rêve lucide !

La quasi-totalité des gens auront au moins un rêve lucide une fois dans leur vie. Seule 20% de la population en fait au moins 1 fois par mois.

Etude “Individual Differences Associated with Lucid Dreaming” de Snyder et Gackenbach

Avoir du temps pour réviser une langue, se préparer pour un examen, dépasser une peur de faire une présentation en public est un rêve pour beaucoup ! Vous pouvez vous entrainer pendant votre sommeil. Il est même possible de d’améliorer ses performances sportives.

Cette vidéo vous donne une bonne introduction à cette activité aux possibilités infinies.

Bonne découverte !

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Can dreams help you learn?

Introduction to lucid dreaming (in French, but you can switch on automatic subtitles on PC)

In the field of learning, methods continue to evolve. Some of them are experimental. At INGAGE we are constantly pushing the boundaries of e-learning. We look for new ways to develop ourselves, train our learners and improve user experiences.

Have you ever realised in your sleep that you were dreaming? If so, congratulations, you’ve had a lucid dream!

Almost everyone will have at least one lucid dream once in their life. Only 20% of the population does so at least once a month.

Study “Individual Differences Associated with Lucid Dreaming” by Snyder and Gackenbach

Having time to review a language, prepare for an exam, overcome a fear of making a public presentation is a dream for many!? Good news, you can train while you sleep. It is even possible to improve your sports performance.

This video (in French) gives you a good introduction to this activity with infinite possibilities.

What do you think? Have you tried lucid dreams yourself? 

Share with us any experience!

#e-learning #training #education #innovation

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Full focus on INSURANCE!

Belinguo becomes INGAGE!

Belinguo AG is a company incorporated in Zurich, Switzerland.

In order to reflect our exclusive focus on the insurance industry, we have decided to rename it “INGAGE” (

It stands for INsurance enGAGEment. It is a platform dedicated to training for the insurance industry (for both online and blended learning). 

“INGAGE is the Training Platform for the Insurance Industry”. We offer out-of-the-box and bespoke online training for large and small companies in the industry. This includes engaging online courses, simulations, 3D scenarios and much more to train new employees as well as experienced insurance professionals. See

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Our 5 secrets to learn efficiently

We love learning!

However, one of our passion during our spare time is to learn languages. Here, our colleague Marion Gioda, shares her insights taking languages as an example.

So you’ve tried your hand at language learning a couple of times, and each time you’ve come up with great reasons why you just can’t learn:


“It’s just not for me”

“I’m just not good at learning languages”

“Language learning is a natural talent and that I just don’t have”


Ultimately, you gave up.

You know at heart that if you spoke even a little bit to your business partners or clients in their own language, they would perceive you in a different way.

You also know this skill could help you differentiate yourself from your competition and win clients.



Chinese TV channels even have programs

where they celebrate foreigners speaking Chinese

such as singing competitions and talk shows.


You are a busy professional and if it’s going to be torture, why even try? We get it.

But you know what? We too, are busy professionals, and our team speaks 15 different languages.


The secret that rules them all: applying business principles to language learning.


We know you are reading this and going “huh???”. Well, let us make our case.

Isn’t it safe to say that the business world has benefited from years of optimization of time and resources?

And, isn’t it also safe to say that the way we learn things – above all languages – doesn’t quite feel like we are making the best of our time and energy?

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you applied the very same principles of a well-run business to language learning?

There is a way to learn any language you want effectively and well!

We are excited to share with you our 5 secrets that translate into simple steps to learn any language you may dream of and have your clients’ jaws drop next time you meet!

Sign up here to discover our 5 secrets.

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Helping the training community

This week we are helping a member of the Effective and Fun Training Techniques Group on LinkedIn to tackle an interesting topic.

Below you will find her question, and our answer to her 🙂

“What is the best way to keep people interested? Going from teaching 7th graders to teaching adults has been a difficult transition for me. Something I am really struggling with is shifting the focus of the training session from me talking to whole time to getting the people involved. It has become mostly me talking at them, and them asking questions. But i do not know how to get it to be more of a conversation. Any ideas? Thank you in advance!” (from Maria Morlando, Director of Training and Development at Enjoy Your Party Franchising, LLC., Effective and Fun Training Group, LinkedIn)

“Dear Maria, {…} Introducing interactive tools is key to be able to engage adults. Also I find asking them questions about what they think is much more productive than simply giving them the solution.

As a corporate trainer, I always try to shift my behavior from the “teacher” (who needs to pretend he/she knows it all – which is unfortunately what we do with kids) to the “coach” who is here to mentor them in their learning journey.

Adults – and kids – can learn most things on their own and need a coach to help them stay on track, inspire and challenge them. This also makes it so much more enjoyable and relaxing for the trainer (you) because you feel like you are here for the added-value stuff, not just repeating the same information over and over again.

I have also been experimenting with “group self-learning” lately and it works wonders: people in small groups learn together. Naturally the stronger elements of the group will help the weaker ones!”(from Marion Gioda, COO, Belinguo)

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Train your sales team to welcome Chinese clients

Sales Team training

Increase of Chinese tourists influx. Opportunities and threats for Swiss businesses.

The Chinese finally started to travel more outside of greater China than ever (51.2%)!
Switzerland enjoyed a 30% increase in Chinese visitors number in 2015.

While France, Italy and Spain see their numbers of Chinese visitors drop significantly (primarily because of terror attacks), other newer upcoming touristic destinations for Chinese people, like Norway and Croatia are becoming a fierce competitor for the Helvetic state.

The Chinese tourists will be the biggest spenders by 2025.

A 2016 article from CNBC revealed the results of the study, showing that the Chinese population will be a lucrative group to count amongst your clients, as they will represent about $255billion in 2025, as they slowly (or not so slowly) increase their standards of living, and counting for a staggering 1/8 of all international travels.

How to prepare for the influx of Chinese tourists?

The traditional and still beloved group traveling method will slowly give way to independent traveling plans from smaller groups of Chinese people. This also means less influence from the tour guides and travel organizations on them as to which store they should visit and which brand they should buy.

This more volatile population will then need to be catered for extremely well in order to get their business and loyalty. It will be a question of understanding their culture and also speaking the bit of their language, mostly Mandarin Chinese.

Some Swiss businesses are already in the starting blocks.

In 2016, Swiss businesses, like Confiserie Bachmann and the Ramada Hotels have already started to get ready for this influx of Chinese tourists by doing 2 things simultaneously. The first is hiring a Chinese speaking staff and the second, is organising introduction workshops of the Chinese language and culture for their other staff, mostly focusing on the host/guest relationship and oral communication in shops and hotels (

If you are also thinking of preparing for this massive business opportunity and challenge, Belinguo is here to support you… at least on the language and culture aspects! For more information visit !


Hungry for more? Here are the interesting facts and figures about Chinese tourist economics:

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GDPR for Software Developers

Our new online course about GDPR for software developers in financial services is now available!


Welcome to this GDPR course, specially designed for Software Development!

My name is Lucas Gros and I’ll be your guide through this training module. In less than one hour, you should become familiar with the new (and still too mysterious for some) General Data Protection Regulation and how it will impact your software development activities.

We’ll be covering GDPR requirements for each step of the SDLC : from Business Requirements until Release.

Let’s get started, shall we?

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