Thank You very much!

After reaching 1,000 followers for our company, the INGAGE Institute, I would like to thank the 10,000 top professionals following my personal page – Thank You!
This milestone helps us share important insights with our hashtagcommunity on topics we are passionate about, such as new technologies and the hashtagrisks associated with them. It drives us to interview some of the most fascinating global hashtagthoughtleaders. Thank you for your feedback and encouragement; it truly means a lot!
Do you know someone special we should interview in AI, cybersecurity, or risk management? Would you or your company be interested in sponsoring interviews? Please reach out!

Wishing everyone an amazing weekend!
Philippe Séjalon 😁

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Thank You very much!

🎉 1000 Followers – Thank You!

We’ve hit 1,000 followers on The INGAGE Institute’s LinkedIn page! We’re grateful for every single person who’s joined our community of AI and engagement enthusiasts.

Thank you for:
– Reading and sharing our content
– Adding your thoughts to the discussions
– Being part of our learning journey
– Working with us on exciting projects

To our clients – thanks for trusting us with your AI and engagement needs. Your success drives us forward!

What’s next? You tell us! 👇
Which AI and Risk topics would you like us to cover?

hashtagAI hashtagDigitalEngagement hashtagCommunityGrowth hashtagRisk

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Interview: Insurance needs to upskill! – With Lukas Stricker

Insightful interview with Lukas Stricker, Senior Lecturer at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences – Institute of Risk & Insurance.

Since January 1 of this year, he is leading all further education activities of the institute. He’s also engaged as advisor in a EdTech company and is consulting insurance companies undergoing major transformations. His insurance and consulting background stems from 14 years with Zurich Insurance company and 3 with McKinsey & Company. Lukas holds a Master of Science from ETH Zurich in Environmental Sciences. This background indicates that he is, as so many in this industry, one that never thought of working in insurance but once there, realised it is a truly fascinating area of work. He is a passionate sailor – on lake Zurich but also as Yacht Master across the oceans. In 1998, he sailed from New York to Portsmouth as member of a crew of six. An experience lasting 25 days and forging complete strangers into a winning team.

Sit down – or walk or even run – and listen to this very interesting and pleasant discussion.

#interview #insurance #versicherung #furthereducation #mas #zhaw #future #insurancetraining #corporatetraining #apprenticeship #traineeships #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #masters #zurichuniversity #zurich #zurichinsurance #nestle #ethzurich #ethz #insuranceprograms #mckinsey #environmentalscience #sailing #sailor

ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences


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Moderatorin Sylvie Meis erzählt, warum COACHREMOTELY die heißeste Coaching-Plattform ist

At INGAGE, we are very proud that COACHREMOTELY has chosen our platform to host its online academy.

Thanks for your trust!


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Entrepreneurship course

Avila Space’s Entrepreneurship course!

Avila Spaces and INGAGE partnered up to create this course specially designed for people in insurance companies and other industries to boost their entrepreneurial spirit.

The course aims to directly reply to simple and/or complex questions that Entrepreneurs live on a daily basis independently of success or failure. The entrepreneurial spirit and the constant decisions around financial and economical risk or the possibility of investing in new ventures were some of the essential drivers for building this course.

This course is designed to help students to evaluate the business skills and commitment necessary to successfully operate an entrepreneurial venture and review the challenges and rewards of entrepreneurship.

Check out this video:




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The Polyglot Kit for Insurance Professionals

“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.”    Nelson Mandela. 

Are you an insurance professional who travels a lot? Would you like to make an even better impression to your clients and colleagues around the world by saying basic things in their language?

With this course, you will be able to greet people and speak at a very basic level about insurance and topics that interest you, in the relevant languages. You will connect instantly with your clients and colleagues!

If you have a login, go to

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